People: Students
Jaquesta Adams 2020, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Markita Landry Rotation #3: Chris Chang Thesis Lab: Markita Landry
Will Barker 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Evan Miller
Polina Barzova 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Ziyang Zhang Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Dean Toste Thesis Lab: Ziyang Zhang
Allie Batka 2020, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Michael Marletta Rotation #3: Chris Chang Thesis Lab: Michael Marletta
Rachel Baum 2017, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Lin He Rotation #2: Dirk Hockemeyer Rotation #3: Britt Glaunsinger Thesis Lab: Nicholas Ingolia
Kayla Belavek 2019, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Evan Miller Rotation #3: Alanna Schepartz Thesis Lab: Evan Miller
Bridget Belcher 2019, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Daniel Nomura
Jayde Bertoch 2021, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Sarah Stanley Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Chris Chang
Julia Borden 2017, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Dave Savage Rotation #2: Arash Komeili Rotation #3: John Dueber Thesis Lab: Dave Savage
Eway Cai 2023, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #2: Ziyang Zhang Rotation #3: Allon Wagner Thesis Lab: Allon Wagner
Wendy Cao 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Markita Landry Rotation #3: Dean Toste Thesis Lab: Dean Toste/Matt Francis
Sukriyo Chakraborty 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: John Hartwig
Charles Yeh 2017, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Michael Rape Rotation #2: David Schaffer Rotation #3: Jacob Corn Thesis Lab: Jacob Corn
Teresia Chen 2022, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #2: Ziyang Zhang Rotation #3: Bronwyn Lucas Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Vincent Chim 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #2: Michelle Chang Rotation #3: David Savage Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Aidan Cowan 2019, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: David Savage Rotation #2: Jay Keasling Rotation #3: Michelle Chang Thesis Lab: Keasling/Savage
Gabby Dolgonos 2021, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Michelle Chang
Kate Dolph 2021, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Markita Landry Thesis Lab: Matt Francis
Isaac Donnell 2020, Chemistry

Rotation #1: John Hartwig Rotation #2: Jay Keasling Rotation #3: Michelle Chang Thesis Lab: Jay Keasling
Jack Feldner 2022, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #2: Matthew Francis Rotation #3: Ziyang Zhang Thesis Lab: Matthew Francis
Jesse Garcia Castillo 2018, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Michel DuPage Rotation #2: Robert Zoncu Rotation #3: James Olzmann Thesis Lab: Michel DuPage
Jonathan Giudice 2021, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Carolyn Glasser 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Daniel Nomura
Angel Gonzalez-Valero 2019, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Christopher Chang Rotation #3: Dan Nomura Thesis Lab: Chris Chang
Isaiah Grant 2021, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Eva Nogales Rotation #2: Britt Glaunsinger Rotation #3: Daniel Portnoy Thesis Lab: Molly Ohainle
Yifei He 2021, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Ahmet Yildiz
Nathaniel Henning 2019, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Daniel Nomura
Abigail Hinojosa 2020, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Anne Baranger
Miriam Hood 2018, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: John Kuriyan Rotation #2: Susan Marqusee Rotation #3: Michael Marletta Thesis Lab: Susan Marqusee
Kimberly Houghton 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Eva Nogales Rotation #3: Jennifer Doudna Thesis Lab: Michael Marletta
Paul Huang 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Daniel Nomura Rotation #2: Christopher Chang Rotation #3: Matt Francis Thesis Lab: Matt Francis
Tatiana Jimenez 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Ziyang Zhang Rotation #3: Dean Toste Thesis Lab: Matt Francis/Dean Toste
Valerie Jin 2022, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michael Marletta Rotation #2: Jennifer Doudna Rotation #3: Randy Schekman Thesis Lab: Matthew Francis
Hannah Karp 2019, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Evan Williams Rotation #2: Jennifer Doudna Rotation #3: Alanna Schepartz Thesis Lab: Jennifer Doudna
Colby Kayrouz 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: John Hartwig
Elijah Kissman 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Michelle Chang Rotation #3: Christopher Chang Thesis Lab: Michelle Chang
Isaac Knudson 2019, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Evan Miller Rotation #3: Alanna Schepartz Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Sunnie Kong 2021, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Jonathan Rittle Rotation #2: Michelle Chang Rotation #3: Dipti Nayak Thesis Lab: Michelle Chang
Justin Kwon 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Evan Miller Rotation #2: Chris Chang Rotation #3: Alanna Schepartz Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Lauren Lesiak 2020, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #2: Chris Chang Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Thomas Li 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #2: Dean Toste Rotation #3: Matt Francis Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Soren Lipman 2021, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Evan Miller Rotation #2: Christopher Chang Rotation #3: Alanna Schepartz Thesis Lab: Evan Miller
Chang Liu 2021, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Jonathan Rittle
Marissa Lynch 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Evan Miller Rotation #2: Ziyang Zhang Rotation #3: Matthew Francis Thesis Lab: Evan Miller
Julia Grace Martin 2019, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Christopher Chang Rotation #2: Evan Miller Rotation #3: Matt Francis Thesis Lab: Evan Miller
Hannah Martin 2021, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Jennifer Doudna Thesis Lab: Matt Francis
Jack McCann 2019, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Evan Miller Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Alanna Schepartz Thesis Lab: Evan Miller
Alejandro Medina 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Ziyang Zhang Rotation #2: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #3: Chris Chang Thesis Lab: Ziyang Zhang
Shumpei Morita 2019, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Jay Groves Rotation #2: Christopher Chang Rotation #3: Ke Xu Thesis Lab: Jay Groves
Jessica Murray 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Robert Saxton Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Hannah Nilsson 2019, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Roberto Zoncu Rotation #2: Patrick Hsu Rotation #3: Jeffery Cox Thesis Lab: Jeffery Cox
Alan Nisanov 2022, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Daniel Nomura Rotation #2: David Schaffer Rotation #3: Ziyang Zhang Thesis Lab: David Schaffer
Amos Nissley 2020, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michael Marletta Rotation #2: Jamie Cate Rotation #3: Eva Nogales Thesis Lab: Jamie Cate
Mike Norinskiy 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Ziyang Zhang
Taylor Nuttall 2022, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Daniel Nomura
Izaiah Ornelas 2021, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Nick Ingolia Rotation #2: James Nuñez Rotation #3: Gloria Brar Thesis Lab: James Nuñez
Lauren Orr 2021, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Dan Nomura
Alexander Parmele 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Jay Keasling Rotation #3: Alanna Schepartz Thesis Lab: Matt Francis
Aidan Pezacki 2019, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Christopher Chang
Naiya Phillips 2018, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Jim Hurley Rotation #2: Christopher Chang Rotation #3: Dave Savage Thesis Lab: David Savage
Izzi Piper 2021, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Paige Pistono 2019, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Andreas Stahl Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Dan Nomura Thesis Lab: Matt Francis
Andrew Plebanek 2018, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Jennifer Doudna Rotation #2: Jamie Cate Rotation #3: Dave Savage Thesis Lab:
Meghan Pressimone 2021, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #2: Jamie Cate Rotation #3: Liana Lareau Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Will Rackear 2022, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Ziyang Zhang
Helena Roberts-Mataric 2022, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #3: Matthew Francis Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Diego Rodriguez 2023, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #2: Roberto Zoncu Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Leah Roe 2020, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Christina Seo 2023, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Daniel Nomura
Alex Solivan 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Max Sosa 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Wenjun Zhang Rotation #2: Michelle Chang Rotation #3: Jonathan Rittle Thesis Lab: Michelle Chang
Veronica Stafford 2021, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Patrick Shih Thesis Lab: Michelle Chang
Cameron Swenson 2019, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Alanna Schepartz Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Sophia Tang 2021, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Dan Nomura Rotation #2: Patrick Shih Rotation #3: Dave Savage Thesis Lab: Patrick Shih/Dave Savage
Logan Tenney 2020, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Chris Chang
Brittney Thornton 2019, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Nicholas Ingolia Rotation #2: David Savage Rotation #3: Robert Tjian Thesis Lab: Savage/Doudna
Owen Tuck 2021, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Dave Savage Rotation #3: Jennifer Doudna Thesis Lab: Jennifer Doudna
Avery Tytla 2020, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Jamie Cate Rotation #3: Alanna Schepartz Thesis Lab: Matt Francis
Angel Vázquez Maldonado 2020, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Alanna Schepartz Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz
Annika Velez 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Markita Landry Rotation #3: Jamie Cate Thesis Lab: Matt Francis
Rachel Weissman 2021, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Dave Savage Rotation #2: Nick Ingolia Rotation #3: Samantha Lewis Thesis Lab: Dave Savage
Andrew Whitten 2020, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #3: John Dueber Thesis Lab: Michelle Chang
Paloma Whitworth 2022, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Matthew Francis Rotation #3: Markita Landry Thesis Lab: Matthew Francis
Miranda Wu 2022, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matthew Francis Rotation #2: Christopher Chang Rotation #3: Ziyang Zhang Thesis Lab: Ziyang Zhang
Nicole Xu 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: John Hartwig
Serim Yang 2021, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Roberto Zoncu Rotation #2: Jim Hurley Rotation #3: James Olzmann Thesis Lab: Roberto Zoncu
Tong Zhan 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Ke Xu
Chenyu Zhang 2019, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: David Raulet Rotation #2: Patrick Hsu Rotation #3: Michel DuPage Thesis Lab: Raulet/DuPage
Victor Zhong 2023, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Sabeeha Merchant Rotation #2: Eva Nogales Rotation #3: Bronwyn Lucas Thesis Lab: Sabeeha Merchant
Zehan Zhou 2022, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Daniel Nomura Rotation #2: Jennifer Doudna Rotation #3: Robert Tijan Thesis Lab: Jennifer Doudna
Boya Zhu 2023, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Ting Xu
Marissa Zintel 2023, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Robert Saxton Rotation #2: Alanna Schepartz Rotation #3: Max Staller Thesis Lab: Max Staller
Madeline Zoltek 2019, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Christopher Chang Rotation #2: Michael Rape Rotation #3: Alanna Schepartz Thesis Lab: Alanna Schepartz